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e•MedTAG Frequent Questions

Learn more about how to use your new e-MedTAG device

  • How do I properly insert my e-MedTAG USB Dog Tag into my computer?

    Press in on the black lever on the side of the USB and it slide forward. While still holding the lever, insert the USB into your computer's USB port. Once the USB device is full inserted into your computer you are ready to begin.
  • I inserted my e•MedTAG into a USB port and nothing happened. 

    If you are on a PC, open My Computer and double click the e•MedTAG device. If prompted, select “Open my Medical Profile”. If no prompt appears, double click e-MedTAG.exe to run the application. If you are on a MAC, you should see the e-MedTAG icon on your desktop. Double click the icon, then double click the e•MedTAG application. The application will launch. If the e•MedTAG icon does not appear on your desktop, open a new window. The e-MedTAG icon should appear. Click on the icon, then double click the e-MedTAG application. The application will launch.
  • I see the first gray screen but I can't fill out my information.

    The gray screen is not capable of being edited; it is a “read-only” page for your protection.
  • How do I edit/input my information?

    You must first type your password in the password field of the gray screen. If this is your first use, your default password is “password”. After typing your password, press the “Login/Edit” button. This will take you to the first white screen where you can input/edit your personal information. After entering your personal information, click the “Edit Medical Info” button in order to input/edit your medical information.
  • Why are some screens white and some screens gray?

    The white screens are where you can edit/input and update your personal and medical information. The gray screen is a read-only summary of your saved personal and medical information.
  • What is my password?

    On the initial use of the e•MedTAG, the default password is, “password”. After pressing “Login/Edit”, you are required to change your password. DO NOT FORGET YOUR PASSWORD, AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO EDIT YOUR INFORMATION. 
  • What if I forget my password?

    YOUR PASSWORD CANNOT BE RECOVERED. If you forget your password you will not be able to change your information; your data will remain in a read-only state on the e•MedTAG.

  • What information would the public and/or emergency personnel see?

    The gray, read-only, summary screen.
  • I can't see the entire e-MedTAG screen. Why?

    The e-MedTAG was designed to operate at 1024 x 768 resolution or higher. Please refer to your computer manual to adjust your screen resolution.
  • How do I upload documents to my e-MedTAG?

    The e-MedTAG device will function like any storage device. You can copy and paste documents, images etc. to the e-MedTAG. If you are on a PC, simply navigate to the location of the file you wish to upload. Right-click the file using the right mouse button. From the menu that appears to the left, click on “Copy”. Now open “My Computer”. Right-click the e-MedTAG device. From the menu that appears to the left, click on “Paste”. This will COPY the file you selected to the e-MedTAG. If you are on a MAC, open the thumbdrive window using the same method you would use to open the e-MedTAG application. Then, once this window is open, simply locate the file you wish to copy and drag it to this window.
  • How do I upload/change my photo?

    If this is the initial use of the e-MedTAG, click the “Upload Photo” button. Browse your computer and select the photo to be uploaded. If you wish to change an existing photo, click the “Change Photo” button. Browse your computer and select the photo to be uploaded. 
  • How can I print the information on my e-MedTAG?

    In order to print your information, take a screenshot and then print the screenshot.
  • Is the USB waterproof?

    No, the USB is not waterproof.
  • Is my computer compatible with the USB?

    The USB is compatible with Windows 2000/ Vista/ XP/ 7/8.x/10, and Mac OS X 10.5.6.