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Men's Necklaces

Show your personality with a design from our stylish collection of medical alert necklaces for men. Featuring hardy stainless steel, rugged leather, athletic silicone and precious metals.

Men's Necklaces

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  1. Metal Type 14K Gold Remove This Item
  2. Emblem Color Embossed Remove This Item
  1. 14K Gold Classic Necklace
    $622.95 - $724.95
  2. 14K Gold Premier Embossed Necklace
    $682.95 - $837.95
  3. 14K Gold Medallion Charm Necklace
    Best Seller
    14K Gold Medallion Charm Necklace
    $550.95 - $611.95
  4. 14K Gold Large Oval Tag Embossed Necklace
    $978.95 - $1,039.95

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Why Buy Medical ID Necklaces for Men at American Medical ID?

When shopping for a medical ID, choose a brand with quality products, engraving, and live customer service, like American Medical ID. Since 1994, American Medical ID has offered unparalleled design and style choices while also maintaining a live customer service team for phone, chat, and email support. When you buy an American Medical ID, you’re buying peace of mind in emergencies.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of wearing a medical necklace?

Medical IDs contain lifesaving medical information to notify first responders and medical personnel of important medical details in an emergency. That means avoiding misdiagnosis, improper medical care, and the peace of mind that comes with having confidence that your medical needs will be considered before treatment is provided.


How is medical information displayed on a men’s medical alert necklace?

The medical information is laser engraved into the medical ID to ensure long term durability and legibility. To optimize your medical ID engraving, prioritize all the information so the most important condition, medication, allergy, etc. is first.


What do I put on a medical ID necklace for men?

Engrave your name, medical conditions, medications, allergies, emergency contact information, and any other relevant information in a medical emergency. Think of your medical ID as an advocate for you and your medical needs.


What if I can’t fit all required conditions on the medical necklace?

To fit more information on your medical ID necklace, start with reviewing if you can use abbreviations, for example, “Type 2 Diabetes” can be engraved as “T2D.” If you still require additional space, consider switching necklaces to a style that features more engraving room or including a medical ID wallet card with your purchase. An expandable wallet card is a great way to extend your important medical information, just make sure to engrave instructions on your medical ID necklace that direct first responders and medical personnel to your wallet card.


How do I get my medical ID necklace engraved?

After you’ve selected the style you want, you’ll go to another step where you can enter your engraving information and see a preview of how it will look once laser engraved.


What does the symbol on these medical necklaces mean?

The symbol commonly found on medical IDs is called a caduceus and represents a symbol for health. When medical professionals arrive at an emergency they will search the person’s wrist and neck for medical ID jewelry, often marked with a caduceus or a star of life (six pointed star).


What conditions require a medical necklace?

There are many different conditions that require wearing a medical ID, browse this list of conditions that require a medical necklace to learn more.